is this you?

is this you?

i’m re-reading this automatic writing on the topic  : “ who is my audience? what do they need?”

and i wonder - whose face does this evoke?

“i want the butterfly seekers and they want the embrace of the earth that seeks their marrow for her juicy maw, their helpless beauty in the face of imminent ego death

they seek whatever will remind them of what’s real

they seek a flavor of ceremonial battle in the back of the convent’s yards of neat vegetables

they seek the end of their long road of repenting and shoulds and could do better

they seek the forever caustic winestains of orgasmic rage, that burn holes through the brittle garments that cannot and should not keep the rains from the skin

they seed the end of definite answers and half-truth promises to appease their safe-driven dweller

they seek monsoon rains under crooked willows, weeping grace revealed unwhole

they seek to expell and banish the eternal noise-questions of dismay and discontent

they want to remember without questions, only heart and guts and sex to guide them imperatively beyond all control, all formula and archaic raindrops of gluttonous “i want, i need, i will die without”. “

do you belong to this watery valhalla?

if this strikes a chord, let me know. tell me what it makes you dream of, what it makes feel and yearn for.

i can’t wait to read you. 

photo of my muses by Jeff Packard


what price do you pay for what you really want?


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