line in the sand
I love working with men, but my heart yearns to share the gift of tantric touch more widely with my sisters. To lavish exquisite tenderness into their bodies and soul.
“I enter her space with a weary body and broken heart.
As joy lays her hands on my body, I feel her merging with my skin.
I am seen and held in my heartbreak and pain. I recognize this is actually a place of true strength, power and growth, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Joy nourishes my body with warm loving touch and presence.
I move between states of deep grief to pleasure, noticing my apprehension to enjoy the pleasure.
Slowly my body relaxes and opens as I descend into an embrace of returning to the known, to the source. Feeling whole and held.
When I return to waking state at the end of the session, I felt as though a line had been drawn in the sand.
When I entered the room it was with ongoing never ending grief.
When I left the room I felt like I’d made a choice, and I was prepared to move forward.”
Get in touch for a session in Auckland
Photo by Jeff Packard
#bodywork #tantra #tantrichealing #sacredtouch #grief #massage #tantricmassage #healing